Episode 38 - Tranters Round record with Finlay Wild

In this episode I read my article 'Competition as Catalyst: Beyond Racing on Tranter's Round' which was recently published in Like The Wind magazine #42. Tranter's round is a 60km round in the Lochaber hills, and my favourite round. I held the record for several years until Jack Kuenzle arrived from the USA and shaved around 15 minutes off in summer 2022.

It may come as no surprise that I was keen to try and get the record back, which I did on 1st June this year.

Myself and Jack have had an interesting friendship-rivalry since meeting in 2022, with him going on to gain the Bob Graham round record, and us meeting and skiing together in winter 2024. We also raced at Trofeo Kima in August, but that's for another discussion - next episode! For a detailed discussion about Jack's Tranter's record in 2022, listen to episode 21.

My Tranter's run was one of my all time best days out, particularly in the latter stages, where I experienced a rare and near euphoric mind state. I highly value the way that running hard in the mountains can at times produce these special experiences.


Episode 39 - Trofeo Kima 2024 with Jack Kuenzle and Finlay Wild


Episode 37 - Norge På Langs with Ben Bardsley