Episode 27 - Cape Wrath Trail Record Unsupported with Pawel Cymbalista

Pawel Cymbalista tells the story of his recent epic run, which he also used to raise money for Lochaber Hope (a mental health support charity) in memory of his father. Setting out solo and unsupported from Fort William on 5th April he completed the fastest known Cape Wrath Trail in a little over 3.5 days - taking 8 hours off the previous (supported) record. Initial bad weather finally relented after 1.5 days but then he experienced a series of vivid hallucinations, many linked to the history of the remote abandoned settlements he passed through. In 86 hours he only slept a minuscule 90 minutes in total, cat napping on the trail. Body aching, exhausted and with his feet in agony, he goes on to recount the final few kilometres to the finish at Cape Wrath lighthouse.

Pawel lives in Mallaig and has set FKTs on the Great Glen Way, West Highland Way, and the Ben Nevis 24hr Record (7 laps up and down in under 24hrs). Thank you Pawel for sharing your incredible story (along with background accompaniment of the sparrows in my garden!).

Find all Pawel’s info at https://linktr.ee/mymountainlab and his website www.mymountainlab.uk


Episode 28 - Elite OMM Winners with Victoria Thompson and Janie Oates


Episode 26 - Speedy Tours with Ben Bardsley and Jon Morgan